9: A BOOK THAT SCARES YOU: My Heart & Other Black Holes by Jasmine Warga
So this suicide pact that begins with an online chat room for people who want to die... yes, that scares me. Two adorable teenagers who have so much to offer if they could each just find in their own hearts a way to forgive, a way not to judge themselves so harshly. Instead, they make a pact to jump on April 7. Why does he want to die? What is the black sludge that eats at her soul?
Will they be successful? Check it out!
This one just blew my mind. You just have to read it. Period. No summary, no review. Just read it. Learn about a topic you aren't familiar with, remember that who you are comes from within you and read it. Check it out on GoodReads because it isn't available until April 7.
11: A BOOK BY AN AUTHOR YOU'V NEVER READ BEFORE: Playlist for the Dead by Michelle Falkoff
OH MY GOODNESS! Now I have to listen to each and every one of the songs on Hayden's playlist that he left behind for his best friend, Sam. Music plays a strong role in this book, as indicate by the title, but it also shows how so many people are connected to one another; you are never really alone. It also reminds you that you never really know someone unless they want you to. Best friend or not, there are some things you just don't share. Check it out!
So, how is your challenge going? let me now amy@beyond-books.org.
Missed what the challenge is all about? Click to read the original blog post. Follow the links within the post to get to the list of categories for the reading challenge. EMAIL ME

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