Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Get Ready for Fun!

Join us this weekend at the Hubbard Fun Fest!

Starting Friday evening, you can visit your favorite library employees at the library table. Bring your iPod/MP3 player and cord (and library card) and you can download audiobooks right there at the Fun Fest!!  Don't have a library card? Bring a photo ID with your current Ohio address and sign up for your free library card! Are you reading this from PA and tempted to come sign up for a card? There is a $20 fee for out of state residents unless you work or go to school in Ohio (bring a copy of your pay stub or school document and ID)- then you and your immediate family at the same residence are eligible for a free card! Already have a library card? Show us and spin to win! You can even check out a library book while you are at the Fun Fest!

Have little ones who are attending with you? Stop by the table to see when our Furry Friends will be available for pictures! Simon is even stopping by. A schedule will be posted each day. Free photos will be available to pick up at the library the following week. 

Wondering if there is anything for teens to do? Of course! Our YAC@HPL teens will be available to tell you why they LOVE coming to the library! They will also be running mini Wii tournaments for your entertainment.

Just be careful! Watch the parade Saturday at 5pm with caution, because we plan to dazzle you with our expert moves! You'll have to watch us to find out why!

See you at the Fun Fest!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

What does it mean to you?


What does "beyond books" mean to you? Tell us:
  • write a note
  • draw a picture
  • send us a video
  • paint a masterpiece
  • draft an email
Get Creative!
We want to hear from you.
Email, send us something 
in the mail at
Hubbard Public Library 
436 West Liberty Street
Hubbard, Ohio 44425
or comment here!