Friday, May 25, 2012

Summer Reading at HPL for Children, Teens and Adults!

 Join us for our Summer Reading Programs!
                                        Dream Big...READ! program is great for ages 2 thru 12!
                                                     June 6, 7, & 9 PAJAMA PARTY!
Drop in Wed June 6, Thurs June 7 or Sat June 9 during summer reading program hours to get started: 
 * Register for the Program * Choose Books you would like to Read * Enjoy a Sweet Dream Treat * Play Pajama Party Games * Decorate Your Own Dream Big Book Tote 


Own the Night! Special activities and programs for ages 13 thru recent grads! 
 Kick-Off and registration June 16 at  11:00 am - 12:00 pm
Grand Prize: Overnight Lock-in at the library in August 
(limit 30 teens, by invitation only as an award for program completion)

Adults can enjoy the benefits of a good summer reading program, too! 
Come in June 12 for participation information!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

May Day! Find Help at your Library!

Your library works hard to be intuitive and give you what you need. Here are some of the events coming up in May:

 Come to the library May 16th to hear Janet DeCesare, author of the book Ticked Off.  Ticks known to be infected with Lyme disease are becoming more prevalent in the United States, which is prompting officials to issue warnings to hunters and outdoor enthusiasts to keep their eyes open. Much of the U.S. had an extremely mild winter, which means these disease carriers are going to be more of a problem than usual.

Janet unfortunately contracted Lyme disease from a tick bite – but the correct diagnosis of her condition was seriously delayed, and that delay complicated treatment.  Her book aims to be helpful to anyone encountering similar misdiagnoses.  She will share how to minimize your exposure to the disease-carrying tick, and will also be showing a short clip from the documentary Under Our Skin.   The program starts at 6:30.  To ensure a seat for this event,  please sign up online by clicking here. If you do not have computer access, call 330-534-3512  ext 6 to sign up.

Chair Yoga
Begins on June 14 with online sign up now thru the beginning session. 
Enjoy all the relaxation that Yoga provides without the strenuous activity that involves a more aggressive form of yoga. Calm, soothuing, and you can participate from your chair!
Thursdays at 5:30 pm June 14 & 21, July 5, 12, 19 &26 and August 2.
Click here to register online!

Join us!